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Daily Prophetic Word March 25, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “Forgiveness is your portion. What you hold against yourself and one another alike is keeping you weighted down. The Cross covered what was, what is, and what will be. This was a complete act, and Christ saw all that would take place within your days. If I can forgive all that has been, is, and will be, know that I will help you overcome as well. You just have to make a choice to walk in this level of freedom.

With each day, I will heal, restore, and redeem far more than you will at first imagine. Do you believe that you can throw those sins as far as the East is from the West? I will surely move you from broken to whole for I will do no less in your life. Challenge Me to do as I have promised. I will not disappoint for this is My desire that your days to be filled with Joy, Laughter, and Peace no matter what has risen up.

Through Adam a Fallen World began. Through Christ all has been brought back to Perfection. Even in the moments that you still see only the fall, I will show you the perfection in My Love and Care for you. I will set your feet upon My Rock and give you the Hope to move forward. I didn’t miss what happened, but I promise to build back what has been destroyed. You are never too far away to receive all that was bought for you.

No one ever says that they regret forgiving someone. Trust the process for I will take you to a place beyond your own ability. Even in this hour, the chains are falling. What was meant for evil is being destroyed and undone. Let My Rivers of Healing Waters flow in and all around. Make a choice not to revisit these pits of despair once more. Meditate on My abundance of peace that surpasses all understanding. I will bring purpose to your pain. I have released one and all from an unplayable debt. Today let My Revelation fill your heart and mind as you become more like Christ and be forever changed by My Glory!”

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