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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word February 23, 2017

The Father says, “This is a year for the captives being set free. Many are not even aware that I Am talking about them as well because they have yet to realize the prison they have gotten used to. I Am setting the minds and hearts back upon the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Idols are crashing down and clarity is awakening to those that fell asleep.

I Am working in your life even when you have longed walked on to your own ways in some areas. I know when you will return and what will cause you to realize you left the safety of My Presence. Many went to hide in a cave because of the fear coming from those illegitimate voices. You have nothing to fear for I Am the keeper of your days. I know when you rise and when you lay down.

It is time to see yourself as invincible in Christ. If I have called you to it, I will surely see you through it. The giants in the land are no match for the tools you already have in your hands. Do not think you are out gunned or out matched for what I will set before you. I have prepared you in the secret, and you will conquer fully in the territories you will walk upon.

Think of what is holding you back and hand it to me. When you are hesitant to move forward, give Me what is concerning you. I will even make narrow paths wide and wide paths narrow. What you need to complete the task will be given unto you. I will lavish you with all that I have. Your greatest Need is My Greatest joy for you to receive! Life is about to speed up 10x and your focus will zoom into the answers that you have longed to find. I will not leave you without My voice and responses. All of Heaven is with you!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

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