The Father says, “What did not come into reaping seasons in the past will be paid forward to you. Listen! Even generations long gone will be brought forward to what is happening Now on the Earth. You will not always see the fruits of your labors in your lifetime, but I, the Lord Your God, will honor what I have promised at a time that is the best advantage for you and to others. Nothing is wasted and nothing is truly lost. This is your year of repayment with more than you had asked for or anticipated. I have tallied up what you have done unto Me and it will surprise you all that I have counted. Days in and Days out, I have stored up many receipts, lost by you, that showed Me the price you had paid for even the smallest and least around you. You have even entertained angels and been unaware. I have kept good records! I have opened the floodgates and smashed all of the dams. Let the waters Rise and Rise around you. Let My winds push you towards the Greater that is just beyond the bend. You are floating over what was in your way and being cheered on into My Glory before you. You have not labored in vain and what you thought was done wrong against you in the past will be brought back to your mind with clarity. Calamity is not your portion. You are My Chosen; My Beloved; My Friend. I Am well pleased with you and honored in areas you did not even consider were blessings unto Me. I Am restoring lost and dying areas. I Am redeeming lost dreams and infilling you with hope again. The plowman is overtaking the reaper! Shout for Joy! This is a wonderful moment for My Children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The time that you have longed for has arrived in full measure.”