The Father says, “To speak the truth in Love you must be fully willing to speak who I see in that person from a spirit and heaven perspective. You are to wear the Mind of Christ and build up not tear down. I have said not to walk in the flesh but in the spirit. You are spirit first and this is your true identity. Choose to see others through My Eyes and you will walk in the realms of My Glory that I created you to be in.
I Am not concerned with the mistakes a person makes. I Am watching over each one of you with Joy and Excitement all throughout your journey. Never do I look upon you with anything other than My Love. I Am for you no matter what your day brings. I Am picking you up in this hour. It is time to dust yourself off for I Am taking you to places you have never known before.
Seasons change and so must you renew your mind to capture all that I Am up to. The enemy tempts you to focus on what you think is not going right. Like a fog, it will blind you to My Light and Truth. I desire that you focus on what I will do with any and all of the aspects in your life. There is far more going on behind the scenes than you have imagined or even considered. You are only in the midst of but do not choose to define the truth in human terms.

Beloved, your true life is only in the midst of your time in a human body. Who you are becoming through this experience is so vitally important. It is in this part that you gain the understanding and realization about who I Am on a level that you never had before. You are created in My Image. Now is the time you are walking in My identity as you live out your life and walk in this tangible life. Open your heart and mind so that I may fill you up with Heaven’s Revelation. Your capacity is limitless. Come up Higher!”