The Father says, “Break out the Celebration and look and see what has manifested in this day; in this week; and even in this month. Answers are coming quicker, for Heaven is closer to Earth then you have imagined. Ask and You Shall Receive! Declare, Create in Me a Clean Heart O’Lord! Stand and Prepare to March, for Land that was not yours will fall into your hands. You are no longer bound, and your voice will shatter the schemes of the enemy.
Old wounds are healing in an instant. Years of walking in grief and loss will vanish at My Command. Stand at the Ready. Life as you know it is about to change forever. You are a new creation, and it is your Now moment for the old ways to be completely removed. What you have asked Me to clean up in your life is coming RIGHT NOW with a violent force. You will be caught up in My Glory. Forever changed in an instant.
You have thought many flaws and sins would remain a thorn in your side, but I Am your Lord, and I will deal with even that stubborn issue for you. Just continue to give over to Me your Heart, Mind, and Soul! I will make a way when you believed that you were permanently damaged goods. There is nothing that I will not do for you. You are My Precious Child. I Am also at the Ready for YOU! My Voice will begin and stop anything that I desire. What do you desire Me to do for you?
You have all of the Rights and Membership of any Citizen of Heaven. You are not waiting for one day, some day. Today is your day! Believe and what you ask of Me will find you this very day. Forsake the notion that I Am not a God who will lavish Gems in and through you. You are priceless and also is everything that I pour out into you! You are not a pauper before Me. You are pure Royalty. See yourself exactly how I see you. If you are unsure what I see, just ask Me. I will download into your spirit all that I have done with you and for you since the foundations of creation. You were there with Me then, and I will be with you always!”