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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word October 22, 2016

The Father says, “Iron Sharpens Iron. I have placed key people around that will help you grow deeper in Me and also become a more brilliant version of yourself. There are people right now that have so much to offer, even if at first glance they seem to have little. You even have hidden gems inside that I will release to those you interact with as well. Allow Me to challenge your mind through others. Keep your heart away from offense, and you will find what I am wanting you to find.

Many hide from being a part of their environment because of the belief that they do not have anything of worth. Question- Do you think I am wrong about what I have done in you? Let Me astonish even the strongest skeptic. You were made for more not mediocre. I created you out of My imagination. I have so much more for you to discover from what I envisioned when I spoke you into existence. You can live up to the potential that I am calling you to, or you can do less. Which will you choose?

Many think that they have to clean themselves up first and perform some ritual to be chosen. You are already called, and I will make you into the vessel necessary for the destiny. Step by step will I mold and make a person. Many will turn away during the process and cancel themselves out before being ready and chosen. Regret is a difficult road to take. Instead allow Me to remove the religious scales from your eyes. See beyond your circumstances to find Me using what is happening to get you ready for the bigger things that are to come. You will overcome what is before you right now if you choose to simply believe it.

Spending the day keeping track of what others are up to will only sideline you from your own divine purpose on this Earth. I have not asked you to live the life of another, and I did not ask another to live your life. These are your moments to make the best of. I will not go where I am not invited, so that is your clue as to whether you are walking alone or not. I am here waiting for you to give up full control. Are you ready to go all the way with what I have set aside for you? I have not called you to stay where you are.”

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