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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word September 19, 2016

The Father says, “A feather doesn’t have to fight and struggle to float to the ground. Know that I Am grounding you this day into understanding My Nature and Will on a much clearer plane than you have ever experienced before. You have wondered about this and that compared to what the religious minds have taught you over and over. As you gained wisdom with age, you have revisited previous lessons to question if this was indeed correct. Oh, the voices near and far clash with opposing views and beliefs.

So you picked a side, but was it the correct side? Have you believed the wrong thing all along, or did you pick up a new belief that was missing the full truth? Are you open to finding the truth, or would you prefer to stay where you are? You cannot say that others are not living in correct thinking, and deny that you also must change some of the religious mindsets that you carry around. You have Forgotten where you are Seated. You have walked away from the One who makes all Revelation possible. Are you teachable or do you just sit in the ways from your own mind?

My Spirit is pouring out to those who are hungry for My Truth and Wisdom in all things. You must be willing to let go of your sacred cows. A new Plumbline is coming, for I Am raising up a Few Mighty Warriors in this hour who will set the Church foundation straight from My Throne room. Many think that they can discern truth, but what they fail to realize is that discernment is a spiritual gift not a natural gift. When you look through your natural eyes, ears, and opinions, you will indeed be off from My Light. If you did not stop to ask Me first, then consider your conclusion flawed.

Many try to live in both worlds and think that they somehow escaped the world’s influence and poison. You can be in this world but not be of it. Do you understand what that actually means? Your soul does not have to be sold off to the pagan altars. You are not here to endure the wicked. You are here to CHANGE the atmosphere for My Namesake. You can only accomplish this when you are following My Lead and Voice. I speak even through worldly avenues, so when you judge what is of My Kingdom, use caution. A new level of maturity is coming to My People. The temples of man are coming down.”

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