The Father says, “Guard your thoughts. There are forces that are looking to plant seeds in your heart that are not of My Kingdom. What you allow to be planted will be watered when you hold these lies as truth. What takes root will lead you away from My Light. Stop and think who is benefiting from your engagement into this area. What you allow to weigh you down will immobilize your life. Use Discernment and Be Wise in this hour.
Know that when a word is released over your life, the enemy will come against that promise. What seems like an easy path will suddenly have obstacles and pits to avoid. Warfare does indeed increase, but when you refuse to let go, you will see that promise delivered into your life. Even when things look opposite and backwards, keep pressing in, for your are indeed going from Glory to Glory. You will make it and everything will be ok!
My Word will Not Return Void so hold out your hands with full expectation. Don’t let unbelief be the undoing in what I desire to do for you. I do not see you more or less worthy than another that I poured out My Love upon. I will do the same for you! I will do the same for YOU! Forget about your regrets and wrong moments. I have a restoration that is yours, and it will erase all of the days you wished for a different outcome. I will weave together all of your mistakes into a beautiful and radiant tapestry for My Glory and Honor.
It is time to stop looking at what was and join Me in the wonders of what is Now. I desire to meet you where you are today, and give you an abundant and prosperous life. I will open new exciting doors of opportunities that are beyond what you have asked for. I Am passing out gifts to you in rapid succession. We are making up for lost time and previous missed doorways. I will give an increased portion for the time that you were without what I had planned for you. It does not matter what hand comes against you, I will take you to greater depths and heights all at the same time. I will restore what the enemy stole!”