The Father says, “Find the new land coming forth from the Deep. For just as a new island forms from the depths of the Ocean and rises to the top, I am doing the same in your life this day. In the depths of our relationship will a new birth come to be. You have look long and hard for what I Am up to, but what is coming into focus is arriving from a hidden place in Me. What you have struggled through in this last season, will enable this beauty to take life. The water is about to break as this new thing is pushed to the surface.
For what I have done in secret will be known by all. Those who have doubted that My Hand was really upon you, will watch as I take you into full view and favor from My Kingdom. Those that have written you off, will find out that you are not written off by your Lord and King. I Am serving humble pie to all of your enemies in this hour. I said I would come through, and you did not lose that hope. You are My beloved. Stand and Receive for you are worthy of all that I have.
No one can take away what is yours, so do not pay any mind to those who think they have the power over you. Some will want you to stay small because it brings them comfort. I give all of My Children opportunities to say yes to My Call. Too many are busy doing other things, and others see the call through a religious lens and disqualify themselves. Know the truth, I will qualify the called. There is no other formula to this process. The longer the process the bigger the call. Longer seasons are a good sign not a bad sign. You are carrying something Mighty for My Namesake. Rejoice!

You have not let Me down. Even on your lesser minded days, I was still there to bring comfort, peace, and joy. What you have been through is about to be the furthest thing from your mind. You were not swallowed up by the waves and strong currents. You broke free and escaped all that looked to bind you. Receive today what you were not able to before. Feel My Arms wrapped around you, and My Love shining down upon you. The delays are over. Just look, the land has already broken through.”