Daily Prophetic Word 6/8/2016 The Father says, “I Am bringing a new level of unity and cooperation to My Bride. In order to do that, I will expose everything that is not of My Kingdom. People with religious mindsets that continue to cling to incorrect beliefs will be brought to the surface and cast out. I Am releasing those willing to establish My Plumbline all across the world. Without unity in My Church, the lost will remain lost. I will send My true messengers to bring correction to the Body. Those that are willing to shift into My Light will be partaking in what I Am placing into My people in this hour. Many of you will throw stones and sling words of hate towards My Plumbline. You will want to keep your idols and golden calves of yesterday. And I will say again, you cannot cross into the Promise Land with anything less than My truth. Divine Wisdom and Counsel is yours but will you see it for what it is or dismiss it as a lie? The enemy has surely blinded even My most faithful. BUT like a Shockwave, I Am eliminating this deception to those who are craving My Will and the Restoration of the Bride into ALL TRUTHS. False religions and dogma are crumbling. Many will choose to go down with these lies. The clashing of My Kingdom with false kingdoms will continue with violence and war. My True Church will walk out unscathed. She will be Bright and Brilliant like the rarest of diamonds. Her Righteous Purity will reflect My Light and Truth so perfectly that the world will no longer deny. Many of the fallen will come back into the fold like the prodigals that they have become. Tolerating lies and deceptions will no longer be the way of My People. My people will have a new appreciation for what each generation brings to My Body. The young and old will be used to usher in the Great Kingdom here on Earth. Your callings and destiny are here on Earth with this Kingdom. Do not miss out on what I have placed in your spirit to accomplish. You are here now for this point in time. You will not get a second chance to reach your destiny once you move on from this glory to The Glory. Do not waste this precious time counting the days until you can leave. This is foolish and a mishandling of the life I have blessed you with. You mean everything to Me. What do I mean to you?”