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Daily Prophetic Word May 4, 2016

MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word 5/4/2016

The Father says, “Do you feel like you are struggling against the grain or swimming upstream today? I have called you to go against the current and direction of those around you. I have set you upon a journey that will fulfill you beyond your wildest dreams. Do not fight against what is happening, but instead yield to My Spirit leading you contrary to what you see others doing. They may not understand and insist you are in the wrong place, but keep moving. I will send you confirmation and instructions as you reach certain destinations.

Keep your eyes watching for My Hand for new doors and callings are coming to you swiftly. I Am downloading ideas that could only come from My Throne room. You may even say this is brilliantly crazy. I have much more to reveal to you. What your eyes behold is just the start of what I Am doing in and through you. Do not try to hang onto old memories of how things used to be. Where I send you will be unfamiliar, but allow you to walk in heart’s desires that you have even forgotten you asked Me for. Let Me bring back to your remembrance all that I have written down for you.

The New Dawn is upon you. The sunsets of yesterday will not be returning but this will not be a time of mourning. What is ahead is so much prettier and grander than you can imagine. Do you believe I Am establishing a greater sense of My Love for all of mankind this hour, or Am I just looking to destroy all that I created because some minds believe so? I Am not finished with you. I Am not finished bringing the Good News to the Lost. Release the desire to see with natural eyes all that is wrong around you. Will I not send the right vessel to deal with all of those problems?

I Am raising up an army of My True Servants who will not bend a knee to the enemy. You are a world changer! I have not called you to go with the flow, but Stand and Be Counted. I Am the only One in control. All other forces are illegitimate. Do you trust that time has not run out because I Am the One who owns the Times? If I Alone know the when, how, and why this book will end, then why do others think they are higher than I and therefore know what I have not said is so? Is today really any more evil than any other time in the past? Look again for there are more than ten righteous among you. My Righteous twinkle like stars in the heavens. My Plan and Purposes will be completed as I spoke at the very foundations. The Good coming from My Heart outweighs the evil on My Scale of Justice. You cannot lose because I cannot lose!”

~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope ‪#‎replenishedhope‬ ‪#‎dailypropheticword‬ ‪#‎dailyprophetic‬

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