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Instant vs Progressive Healing
The Bible gives a variety of examples where Jesus healed, delivered, or resurrected the dead. I want to take some time to discuss further so that we can get a better understanding and know what to expect.
Leper in Galilee Matthew 8:1-4~Instant:The man asked Jesus if He was willing, and he was healed by touch.
Roman Centurion for Paralyzed Servant, at Capernaum
Matthew 8:5-13~Instant:The Centurion had Faith and the servant was healed without Jesus present with the man.
Demoniac in Synagogue, at Capernaum Mark 1:23-28 ~Instant:The demonic spoke to Jesus and He commanded them to come out of the man.
Peter's Mother-in-Law, Sick with a Fever,at Capernaum
Matthew 8:14-15~Instant:Jesus touched her.
Paralytic at Capernaum Matthew 9:2-8~Instant:Jesus saw the Faith of the man's friend and said his sins were forgiven.
Man with a Withered Hand, at Synagogue at Capernaum
Matthew 12:10-13~Instant:Challenge of the Sabbath law, Jesus healed the man.
Two Men at the Tombs Matthew 8:28-34~Instant:Jesus commanded Legion to come out of the men and they were healed of their afflictions.
Woman With Issue of Blood at Capernaum Matthew 9:20-22~Instant:She believed with her whole faith that just touching His garment would give her full healing.
Deaf Man with Speech Impediment in the Region of Decapolis
Mark 7:31-37~Instant:Jesus put His fingers in the Ears and touched his tongue and commanded to be open.
Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers Luke 17:11-19~Instant:Jesus told the ten to go show themselves to the priests and as they did so they were healed by their faith and obedience.
Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida Mark 8:22–25~Instant: Jesus spit on his eyes and laid hands on him, only partial sight came back so Jesus touched his eyes again and sight returned.
Paul at Lystra Acts 14:8-10~Instant:Paul saw that the crippled man had the Faith to be healed so Paul commanded that he stand up on his feet.
There are plenty more healings from both Jesus and the disciples but I want to continue on from here.
In the Bible, there are a few references to either the person doing something first and then their healing came moments or days later, such as with King Hezekiah. So why would progressive healing be a likely outcome for some?
In Mark 9, Jesus was tough on the disciples when they could not cast out a demon from a man's son. The child was brought to Jesus after the disciples were unable to help.
23 Jesus said to him, “[You say to Me,] ‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes and trusts [in Me]!”
24 Immediately the father of the boy cried out [with a desperate, piercing cry], saying, “I do believe; help [me overcome] my unbelief.”
28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?
29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
In these Scriptures the issue for the disciples rested partially in unbelief/lacking faith and partially in lack of knowledge on how to deal with this specific demonic issue. Which Jesus addressed with them. For the man, he struggled with faith and unbelief as well. Both sides of the healing requires faith for the manifestation to come forth. It is not uncommon in a healing service for an initial group to be healed, and as the leaders shift methods, another group will receive their healing. This is mostly due to faith rising for more to believe. As people were seeing the manifestation, more could grab a hold of what Jesus was doing in their midst.
I have worked with some who got partial healing as the Holy Spirit gave just the keys to part of their need. Why not the rest of the keys? In a short explanation, the person was not willing to work on the other emotional wound, and blocked the process that was flowing. She would not yield the other wounds to Jesus despite receiving major healing in that moment. Jesus really does want it all at His feet. He died for it all. Holding on does us no good and it prolongs our suffering.
Faith runs the whole process. As our faith increases, we find it easier to believe for more things and therefore gain the confidence needed to command and/or receive healing. What I have noticed in my own life and with others that I am working with, many experience "progressive healing" because God needs to work on their faith and unbelief. As they notice and experience healing happening in their body, it increases their faith and belief. Many people will have to press in. In addition, we have to be sure we are covering everything that is needed to bring forth the healing. Just as above, these demons would not leave without fasting and prayer.
We are able to do what Christ did, and faith while resting in Jesus to do the work is the key. Jesus is our willing and able Lord and Savior. He longs to heal you of every single need.
I have had hands laid on me from some highly anointed healers and did not get my healing despite God telling me directly He would heal me. I know it is on the calendar, and I have felt Jesus come down countless times and work on that area. I was told by a prophet, while I was being touched, that God would heal me in my sleep. So until God tells me otherwise or gives me something else to do for the healing to manifest, I will keep my expectations and anticipation HIGH until I receive.
Now one thing I would like to mention here is that for the healing need that I have, I could just as easily have surgery for it. I have had 3 surgeries prior and advancements in medicine have come far enough that I would probably be satisfied with the outcome. I did research and met with a surgeon several years ago, but I made a decision that I wanted to experience the Power of God in this area instead of surgery. As I petitioned God, He answered me personally and also through several others that He would indeed heal it. I am in no way suggesting that a person cannot or should not seek medical solutions. This issue of mine is not attached to a soul wound and is a result of physical trauma. God is teaching me something about healing through it all, and I remain active in learning to benefit others.