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  • MaryEllen McCloud

January 6, 2019

The Father says, I hope you are ready! I am bringing back Excitement into your vocabulary. My people have grown a glum face for far too long. If it stays like this for much longer many will assume this is your true personality and character. It is time for the mindset of despair to leave you. Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous. Life is far more than planning every minuet detail, and stressing about hitting the schedule precisely.

I desire for you to get out of the house more and be among other like minded people. Enjoy and explore your personal likes. Try something new and unexpected. Break out of the mold that others have crafted for you. Learn to be Alive! I did not give you life so that you could just barely get by with some resemblance of an existence.

I created mankind to create; to follow dreams and passions; to discover the new all around. Have I ever told you not to have fun? There are many who will say yes, but doesn’t that go against all of the evidence around you? Heaven is surrounded by celebrations every moment, for there is always something worth such extravagant attention.

Stop telling yourself what you won’t do, and decide to speak into your own life. What will you step out and do in this Now moment of your life? Refresh your mind and heart. Do a whole system reboot! It is time to see your highest potential and opportunities, instead of the just having a tiny chunk of life. When you switch your focus to seizing every day, you will finally walk into the life I envisioned for you at the beginning. Remove the chains and be free. Dance and rejoice with Great Joy!

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