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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word February 9, 2017

The Father says, “You are a Blessing to those that I send you to. Even on days that you are so busy to be aware that I Am using you for My Glory and Honor. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to do so. You are My Ambassadors. Do not let the world take you away from your true identity. You are different so be uniquely different from how others do throughout their day. I see everything and I will reward those that carry My Heart towards others.

Instead of wearing the battles on your sleeves, give Me those needs and issues. I desire you to walk about your day carefree knowing that your Heavenly Father has all of it covered completely. It only takes one moment in a stressful bad mood to fully undo a path that you were successfully on. The enemy seeks to unbalance you. Know that you are On My ROCK and are truly immovable. See yourself this way and you will be that way in everything. You can choose to not sway with the wind.

I Am your Counsel and Friend. Sometimes you have to wait on Me and other times the answer is immediate. When you have found the peace, you will know My Voice even clearer. Do not allow the seed of discord to take root in your heart lest you fight with all of those around you. The seeds of rebellion and violence are not My ways. Listen to what you say and watch what you do. You are My Child so let all of your dealings reflect My Strategy for that situation. Forsake your own ways and truth.

Find that life is coming back to years and years of dead things. Careers are getting an innovative upgrade. Relationships are moving back into harmony and understanding. New gifts from Heaven are being handed out to those that are in expectation. Think of any area that can use My Finger upon and just watch how I will come through. I know your need before you even ask or think. Let your thankful worship be your guide for this is a sweet fragrance unto Me. You are so Loved!”

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