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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word January 1, 2017

The Father says, “Let the New be completed in your life. Do not seek out what is fading away. I Am not in the former, but the latter. Expect things to change for this too shall pass. Envision that you are walking on the water and it shall be established in your life. I Am invading your life in every area. Welcome Me for when you do, turnarounds and breakthroughs will manifest all around. If you trust Me, you will see what I Am up to on your behalf. 2017 lies at the beginning of the Fresh Move of My Spirit into unknown territories. You are like a new born babe about to see My Kingdom for the first time. I Am giving you new spiritual eyes to see beyond what you thought you knew or understood, to catch the wave of what My Spirit has released over the Earth Realm. Be on the alert for things are becoming glorious near and far from you. I Am in control not the illegitimate forces that people believe are winning. I have a desire to fulfill great and mighty exploits in and through you. Partner in unending ways with Me to unveil all that has been set aside for you. The naysayers will still be on the street corner shouting gloom and doom. Who do you believe in this hour? I have been with you since the beginning and I will be there through it all. Do I not know what was, is, and will be? Forget what you thought you knew or even believed. I Am cutting away all that is not of Me. A religious mindset is an enemy in reality. You are coming out and walking in freedom like you have not experienced in the past. The promises that have been stored up are being released. Let all bitterness and regret leave you. When your hands are empty, I will fill them with My Unprecedented Favor! I Am surrounding you today. Do not miss what I have Spoken. You are at a new day and a new dawn. The enemy advanced right into a trap. You will stand high and rule over what is yours. No one will be able to steal what belongs to you. Find My Peace wrapping you up and taking you through the closing of several doors. An optimism is invading your mind and will. Unspeakable Joy and a lighter load is pushing you past the days of sorrow into Heavenly Bliss. You are unstoppable. You will not be denied.”

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