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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word September 16, 2016

The Father says, “The Hills are coming to their gentle rolling action before you. The mountain of obstacles have cleared your view, and you are seeing the sunset on the horizon. You are about to say Goodbye to people, places, and things that will not be traveling with you past this point. I Am lightening your load and burden. Easier days are upon you. In fact, you will find easier years become your way of life. Many will scoff at this, but if I Am your Lord then know that I cannot lie.

Those that wished you harm are fading in the distance. Those that tried to hold you back will be too busy with other distractions. What you envisioned would be difficult is about to be as smooth as butter. You will slip right onto the new assignments that are yours to give and receive with those I send you to. Many things that you thought will not be the reality. I have greater than you imagined. Even those who quarrel with you will be silent. Let your mind even forget what the conflict was about.

Feel My Wave of Love and Peace fall upon you. The long battle that raged day and night has been severed from your life. Do not go looking for it out of habit. Lay down your weapons and be refreshed by My brook. In your now moment, find that even your deepest enemy will seek out to bless you. Why? Because I can turn anything around for your advantage and benefit. Did not I even command the ravens to tend to Elijah? Ravens are scavengers and self-serving, and yet they gave what they found. You are not in a drought or in lack. NO, THIS IS YOUR MOMENT OF WALKING IN MY ABUNDANCE AND OVERFLOW!

Many are still licking old wounds that I have long since healed. Did you not notice? It is time to NOT do as you did yesterday, and realize that I Am all about you. I Am working on all of your needs, and working out all of your steps. Find Grace and Mercy at your own doorstep and return the favor to your brothers and sisters. Get your house in order, for I Am visiting those that are sold out and all about Me. I Am pouring out the Oil of Anointing upon those that are set apart onto Me. New Mantles are falling on those who will take up that Mantle and run until the end of their days. What you are not willing to take, will not be given unto you.”

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