The Lord says, “What others look to take away from you, I will bring back with great multiplication. Place down what is not working and take a hold of fresh revelation I am giving you in this hour. I will remind you of past moments, where you formed a flawed opinion, to expose the truth. Many are stuck in what they perceived, but I will set you free when you are open to the facts as they are. Opinions are made and broken just the same. My Light is revealing what is hidden. Acknowledge where you were wrong and learn so you can move into territories I will send you to. When you are unwilling to see that you still have growth in your day, you will remain unusable in My Hands. I am not bothered by your mistakes. It is rebellion and stubbornness that will cause you to miss your call and destiny. Remain yielded and you will reach My Highest Desire for your life. Stay Close so that you do not wander off.”
