The Lord says, “Jericho did not fall with merely one pass around the wall. My People were promised victory, but they first had to follow My Voice with precision. There are many walls that you need a solution for. I am not silent nor absent to your cries. My Spirit has given you the instructions to the smallest details. Preparation comes before action. Rushing in before knowing what you are truly facing will hinder your success.
The wisdom of man is limited. Pull down My Wisdom and look at the situation beyond what you find in the natural. Too many are forgetting that you are not just subject to the natural realm. I have not denied you access into the spiritual realm. Take up your Rod and Staff, do not be afraid. I will walk you through territories that are foreign to you. I will show you what has been hidden. Place down the idols of your own making. What seemed good enough is not your portion. The Extraordinary is the way that I have called you to operate. Decision Time.”
~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope
