The Lord says, “There is a Blast Off taking place right now. You will see others around you being accelerated and propelled into their new season with My Fire. Do not be tempted to think you have missed your door of opportunity. In any army formation, there are multiple lines of offense and defense sent out at different moments. Do not gauge your importance based on when you are released to go. You are right where you are most effective with what I have commissioned you to do.
The Strategy is Mine alone. I have given each one of you vital information and pieces, that when sent at the right moment, will lead to success and victory. You are as necessary as any other member in My Kingdom. Many believe that if they do not carry out their calling and destiny that I will just find someone else for that mission. In that mindset they have negated the truth, which is that you will gain far more benefit in your own personal and spiritual life than any other aspect in your assignments. What you do is like a boomerang. You reap what you sow.”
