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September 23, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, When many people get stuck they eventually decide to give up. I have not left you without. Keep seeking, asking, and knocking for I will provide the answer to what you are in need of. Sometimes you have simply not arrived at the right point to completely require the information to your benefit. I will be on time in letting you know what the next steps are. Release the worry and fear that you will miss the opportunity. I know your comings and goings. If you are following Me, then you will not faultier when it is time to soar.

Feel the freshness in the air and the sweet fragrance all around. Something is coming your way that even now you have not anticipated. Do not focus on what the enemy places as a distraction. See My Love and Goodness before you. I have not forgotten any of your prayers. You cannot out give Me. I know exactly what you need in this hour. You will not go without. You may feel blindness when you look for direction, but know that soon you will see clearly and be on the move once again. Greater is coming swiftly and the stale air is leaving.

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