The Father says, To be My Disciple understand that I will offend your mind. Just as Jesus told the Jews of the Bread of Life that would allow one to live forever, their minds were offended. They died in their ignorance. I have said that I do not live in the logic of man. I will challenge your understanding of My Word always. What you think you know may indeed need to be adjusted by My Voice and Spirit. Be moldable in My Hands. Allow Me to add or subtract from what you know.

I will not allow you to live in ignorance unless you choose to. I give revelation to those who ask, seek, and knock. My Spirit is pouring out over the Lands and over the Sea. The answers to great mysteries in My Word, that were sealed up until just a time as this, are being revealed one by one. You were not meant to live by Bread Alone. My Rhema word still inhabits the Earth. Receive what I have for you in this season. Be wise to explore before you reject. I will guide you always.