The Father says, I will use anyone I please for My Glory and Honor. I will show up and out on whomever I desire. Get your hands ready for the receiving, and do not count what your neighbor has. What is due to you will be given fully, whether it is today or tomorrow. I will not forget what is owed to you. Ask boldly, for I want to hear your heart. I Am a proud Father gazing upon you with unending Love. What do you desire? My Kingdom is yours.

Too many of My People only see themselves as a lowly member of the Kingdom. Did I not say that I cast one’s sins as far as the East is from the West and remember no more? Why are you holding something against yourself that was already paid for? I redeemed mankind fully. Not because you were lowly. I did so because I want to be with you forever. The past is the past. Leave it there! Come and Participate in My Loving Goodness that I so desire to give an overflow in. Your better days are on the way!