The Father says, I have never called My Bride to be sick or frail. My Will is for all to remain in strength and good health to the very end of days. Sickness and disease are not part of My Kingdom. Cast away those evil thoughts of bondage that I am somehow pleased by your suffering! I will use everything for My Glory, but I will not give you a snare and trap to fall into first. You are in a New Covenant. I do not need to show the enemy who you are, as I did with even Job. You are becoming the Image of My Son. Does not the enemy already know this?

See My Goodness fall upon you this very day. Release yourself from guilt and shame of thinking that you deserve less than My Best. I can straighten even the most crooked of paths. When you place your complete life into My Hands, you will see My Full plan for your life unfold. Trust that My Voice over your life will find purpose in all things under Heaven and on the Earth. I will bestow upon you peace that surpasses all understanding. All creation has a set time to move on from this life. Many leave before they were designed to. The enemy is a defeated foe. Walk in the Truth and Light.