The Father says, Praise is the Spark and Catalyst to breaking off the bondage in this hour. Give thanks for the Seen and Unseen in this hour. Know that I am working out all of the pieces. I am your Advocate, but I will also correct you when the need is there. Be open to all that I have to say, and you will come out on top. You cannot go through life only wanting one side of our relationship. Listen to My Still Small Voice speaking to those matters that require an adjustment in your life. You will be better off even if the stretching and challenging is uncomfortable for a time. Release opinions to Me for what you have formed from your own perspective requires a Heavenly upgrade.
I am watering your life like a glorious flower in My Garden. Do not despise the conditions that are required for you to grow hearty roots that will withstand the pressures of the world. In dry times, your roots go deeper to find Me in the Midst. In rains of plenty, growth appears easy to obtain. Seasons bring change, and it is the change that molds you more into the Image of My Son. Leaving you in a flower pot will cause you to stay stagnant until the roots rot and die. The moment has come for Me to transplant you into new territories. You have outgrown where you were. I am proud of who you are becoming and excited for what lies next in your journey. Healing is rapidly overtaking you in this hour. Upgrade is your portion.