The Father says, Grace is My Gift to you. It sets a guarantee that each day My Spirit will never leave you. The Cross changed My relationship with mankind. You became able to carry My Spirit with you. Everything that is permissible to you may not be good for you. There are consequences great and small for indulging in something that will surely damage your soul.
Some of your pitfalls may look different than someone else’s, but remain diligent in all things to choose if this would be My Best and Perfect Will for you to be open to. The Gateways to your soul are strengthened or become corrupt based on what you allow in your life. Small cracks can eventually undo your whole armor.
Do not be naïve to think that a little of a wrong thing will be ok. My people, turn away from what the world is doing, and from what opinion someone has about you. Hold My opinion in your highest desire, and you will surely avoid the pitfalls. The sooner you come to Me with your mistakes, the sooner you can be free from the snare of the enemy. Waiting will only prolong your problems.
Grace is not a free pass to make wrong choices. Listen! Your ability to carry out Kingdom assignments is dependent upon your spiritual development, and the health of your soul. I will guide you in both, and I will heal up your wounds inflicted upon you over the years. Examine the truth about who you are, and who you are not. See yourself through My Eyes. I See your highest potential and the Christ in you. I am not counting your flaws, but I will remove that spot and wrinkle for My Namesake and Glory.