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MaryEllen McCloud

November 3, 2018

The Father says, I Am pouring out new anointings onto the youth. My Spirit is coming to them to bring discernment of what is of Me and what is of the enemy. The spirit of deception, that has lead many adults astray, will be commanded to release the grip on the children. They will come forth with clarity and truth for My Namesake. A powerful Hunger for the things of My Kingdom will shine out from their spirit. Fear will not dwell in them for they will rise up against the powers of darkness over the land.

Seeing the truth and renouncing the deception should be the choice for all My People. You must put on the Mind of Christ to Know which is right. A man’s ways seem right in his own eyes, therefore he can be easily swayed and led down the wrong path. My Spirit is opening the eyes of those that seek Me for wisdom and My ways. What you desire will be what is given to you, for good or evil.

I have come to give you Life and Life More Abundantly. Do not think that this has changed because of what you see or believe is happening all around you. This is just the deception of the enemy to cause My People to lose HOPE! There is nothing happening that I will not answer. My Blessings and Favor are still moving over all of My Creation.

You are walking into the Best Years of Your Life, not your worst. What you believe and trust in Me for is what you will behold! I have always taken care of you even with unseen Hands. Disappointments are often My blessings in disguise for I know what will be good for you and what will cause destruction. In a world of mostly negative reports, choose to look for all of the wonderful things happening around you. For when you do, you will find Me. I Am Breaking Through. Let your Hope Arise!

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