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September 21, 2018

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Time is not Really Time. See it through My Eyes. Many look at the years to determine where they should be in mankind’s order. See this timeline tossed in the garbage of man’s lofty ideas. You are in a New Decade. Did you hear that? I Am turning the Clock upside down. Let your logic fall to the ground.

Your age does not define you nor what I will do in and through you. If I can speak through a donkey then surely your abilities have no limits as well. Release the Outcome to Me. You just show up ready for the Miraculous all around you to break open. I will take care of the rest.

Cast aside the notion that you have nothing to offer in these endeavors. I CREATED YOU! I will decide what you carry for My Glory and Honor. I placed inside your inner man all that I would use in your life through ever twist and turn or up and down. I have not changed My mind nor given up on you. Your Potential is in Me and not your own doing.

Let Go of faulty mindsets that I will only use someone “better.” I have looked upon you in this hour. I am asking you to come up higher to see all that you are worth in My Eyes. You are everything Priceless and Beyond! I brought you forth out of My own Imagination because I desire YOU! I am not disappointed in My Creation. I celebrate all that you will do today and forevermore!

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