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Daily Prophetic Word June 6, 2018

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, No one gets into a rocket ship and doesn’t wonder if they will survive the trip. I have you at this place where you are wondering if you will make it. YOU WILL! Just Believe for I am all about you and all about what is transpiring in your life. What is about to blast off, with power that only I can supply, is going to cause you to hesitate but I say don’t! Just get your bags and let’s go. No looking back and no wonder the ‘what if’s’ about life.

It is time to live a life with a no regret mentality. Even in the missteps, I will turn it around for a blessing. Learn from everything and keep on going. Stopping can sometimes leave you stuck in the quicksand of the mind. Living among the tombs is not your portion. Keep your hands open and your heart of My joyful expectation. I am clearing the cobwebs in the corners of your mind. I am expanding you for more, and soon your territory will expand as a result.

What I am doing through you will cast a shadow onto those in the wake of this New Dawn coming. They will receive greatly just for being in your presence. It is time to be a people of full belief and trust to move forward. Forsake the wishy washy moments of unbelief. I have greater for you to walk in, and I am setting My people into a world of truly experiencing Signs, Wonders, and Miracles as a normal way of living.

I am removing the scales from your eyes and giving you supernatural hearing. You are more than just a human vessel! You are able to leap over the highest of mountains if you will only accept that you can. The next few weeks are going to involve many sharp turns and sudden bends in the road. Stay in the flow of My Spirit. You are walking out of the fog and into clear skies and a meadow of vibrant life. Forget about what people said would never happen. I can do whatever I choose and I choose to work all things out for your benefit and in My Goodness!

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