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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word May 30, 2018

The Father says, You have not failed Me! I want you to discard those thoughts into the trash. I knew what you would stumble in and My Grace is sufficient. It is not your job to beat yourself up until you can no longer stand on the Promises that I desire to lavish over you. You are qualified already. There is nothing holding you back but your own mind and will. Yesterday was forgiven. It is your choice to grab a hold of all that I will do for you and run with it.

Your day is only filled with My Goodness. Choose to see it that way even when the storms rage. What you focus on will become larger. The Good will always outweigh the bad in truth. Do not believe the smokescreen of the enemy. Just smile at what he dishes out because in short order, he will find that he has been defeated yet again. Do not waste your time on any of it. I want you to dwell in My Presence instead.

Find My Rains replenishing your soul today. Find that what was a heavy burden on your shoulders suddenly melt away. The next three weeks are going to unlock some key doors for you. Even areas that you were not expecting something new will be receiving a touch of My Hand. I am lifting you up and out of many situations that will do you no good. I say Enough is Enough. What you have wept over, let it be no more.

You must be active in changing the thoughts that do not serve you any Light from My Kingdom. Decide if what you dwell on is benefiting you or the enemy of your soul. Break free of the bondage that you did not even realize you were allowing in your life. Let the Fresh Winds of My Ruach fill your life this very day. Remove what is less than My Glory. Let the Captives be Free, Amen!

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