The Father says, I brought you low so that you could soar high up. I pruned what was dead so that the past regrets and disappointments would no longer weigh you down. I healed your heart so that I could pour out My Love to a lost and dying world. It is time My Beloved. You finished your season of sifting and what remains is pure beauty.
Many have blamed you or turned away during these long years in the process. You were told conflicting messages about what I expected of you and still you arrived right on time. You have done well to release the misguided and ill-informed. You heard My voice even when those closest claimed you to be in error. I am so proud of you My Child.
I knew how you would finish these testings but even so, you have surprised Me. You stand today with Power and Zeal for My Kingdom that no one and nothing could knock out of your heart and mind. Even when the waves crashed hard to push you under, you gladly got back up and said bring me more. What was making room for your new anointings has enlarged because of your attitude and desire to endure for My Glory and Honor.
You are on a fast moving train where the next few months will go quickly and shift rapidly. Do not get settled in just yet for the final destination is not on the horizon but soon will be. You are going to love what is just beyond the bend. What you have placed in My Hand, with full Hope and Faith, is coming via special delivery that only I can do for you. I will bring you Joy so Unimaginable that you will know that I have indeed heard even your silent cries! You are so special to Me.