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Daily Prophetic Word February 3, 2018

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “Many desire to know the future, but knowing too much will rob you of the beauty in your present. When you are consumed with the past or future, you cannot really live in the present. This is where I Am, in your Now. This is where I Am coming through for you, and extended My unending Favor. You cannot do anything about what is to come except to wait, but in your today’s you have the ability and power to see all things become alive that were dead. Speak to what is unproductive and watch it be made new again. Speak to your circumstances, and watch My Glory fall upon you.

I have not created you as a vessel that just gets thrown around by the trials that will come. NO, I have built within you the tools that will shift and change any atmosphere. You are My Royal Sons and Daughters. What resides in your spirit is My Spirit, and nothing is unobtainable for those that believe. Take your Rod and your Staff. See in your mind what should be, and call down from Heaven what is needed. My people have thought for too long that the power available in the Bible is no longer to be on this Earth. You have been deceived. Have I not said that you will do even greater things in My Name?

I am removing the weak and broken mindset from My Children. I am removing the spirit of rejection and fear. You are a Mighty Vessel for My Namesake. In truth, nothing will defeat you. Change the thoughts that would speak otherwise. When you are weak, I will fill the gap so that you are strong. You were not intended to walk this life on your own strength and will. From the beginning, I have been with you side by side. Nothing today is different than in the beginning. No moment has ever altered My Mind about you. Do you not understand, I Love You for all of eternity. Refuse to let lies infiltrate your camp.

My people have come to believe that the world will only continue to deteriorate and fall further away from My Glory. I Am the One who keeps all living things living. By My breath has all come into being. Why would I abandon what I love and created just because many would choose to see it as damaged. Is there anything that is too hard for Me? I am not finished with My plans for humanity. It does not matter who screams it is finished. I Am the One who brings the dry bones back to life. I Am the One who sends the Prodigals home. Your future is filled with greater days than your former because I Am Your Lord and King!”

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