The Father says, Flowers sprout up, bloom, and come to an end. Understand that you cannot live in past moments of My Glory over your life. You must move forward to see the Best that is still yet to come in this very season to the next. If you will not let go, then I cannot fill empty hands once more. I am not finished with you so Get Ready for nothing is about to look familiar but you are going to love what is coming.
Just as a butterfly are you trying out the new gifts that I have given you. Reach out and utilize all that you possess for in the doing you will find your identity in Me. I am unfolding the miraculous before your very eyes. Decide to be awake in My Kingdom for the world is asleep to My Voice and Hand in fullness.
You can do what I have called you to do. I will not let you fail so decide to not fail in your mind. It is time to get up out of the land of doubts for you don’t live there anymore. Plan A is still on the Table. Will you grab and run with what I have designed you to be? I will use you for great and mighty exploits. Allow Me to mold you until the journey’s end.
Smile for My Joy is overtaking you today. All of Heaven is celebrating as My Goodness passes before you. Wrap yourself under My Winds for I will take you higher than you can ever imagine. My Plans are extensive concerning you. My Love will carry you through each and every day. You are Loved completely! I will show you just how much I care for you. You haven’t seen anything yet!