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Daily Prophetic Word October 29, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, Heaven is My Throne and Earth is My footstool. I have built My temple inside of you! Do you know what this means? Wherever you go, so goes My temple. Where My temple resides, is also where I Am. Open your eyes and ears to fully understand what I Am saying. You have looked over here and over there, but what you are seeking is already inside of you. I have not gone anywhere or even left you for a moment. I left the ninety-nine for you.

I Am righting the wrongs, and displaying My Glory all around you. Did you take for granted the demonstrations of My power to the point that you gave credit for your victories or blessings to another? You are not subject to luck. Luck is a fool’s game to explain away My Majesty over the Earth. You are not wandering around with mere luck and chance working for you. I Am your Lord and Father. I Am working on every aspect of your life from start to finish. Do you not realize that I Am doing this for everyone on the planet?

I love My creation, even the ones who have rejected Me. See people through My Eyes. I desire that all will come into My Glory. I desire that no one be left to the perils of hell. When you were in Heaven, at the beginning foundations, you loved and walked in the Light. The enemy has stolen this Glory from many. I have restored mankind through the complete work of the Cross. Look around. All of the people you see each day were with you at the beginning of all things. You loved these people with My Love, and I desire for you to find that love for all of My people again.

I died for Love. I died for Mankind because I desire to be with you and them just the same. Do not look at someone through your natural eyes and see what sin the enemy has used to shaped them into. Look at them through My Eyes and what I desire to mold them into. You were once asleep and Now you are awake. Pray that all those who are still asleep become Now awake also. You have the power within you to reach the multitudes because you are My Temple.

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