The Father says, “You are important to Me not for what you can do, but what I will do for you. Even if you had nothing special about you, I would still woo your heart to Mine. Many think that I have not created them with anything unique or remarkable. This is surely what the enemy of your soul desires that you believe. Did I not take a mere shepherd boy and turn him into a King? Is there anything too hard for Me?
I have just begun to unearth what I have placed inside your earthen vessel. When you fight against the plans I have, you will stop My Hand revealing what has been hidden. You are not a slave nor I, a Taskmaster. I Am looking for a willing heart, and I will not force you to become what you do not desire. Many decide before they have even asked Me what is inside to discover.
Fear will tell you to stop and run. Will I not be with you and in you anywhere your feet may go? Elijah and Jonah had fear but that did not determine the outcome in the end. If nothing is hidden from Me, then I know what travels through your mind. Do I look concerned? I know what I am getting into and I still plan to take you to the reaches if you will allow Me.
Many will tell you to say no. Will you let their fear be your guide as well? Are they the true voice of reason? You are walking in My Power, not your own and surely not your neighbors. This should be a cry of celebration that no matter where you start, I have amazing exploits in you for My Namesake. I will never leave you where you are, but it is up to you to choose where we will go next. My plans or your plans?