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Daily Prophetic Word July 12, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “My Bride has become Cozy and Compromising with the things of the enemy. She does not want to make waves in the desire to look open minded to those far and near. She has let the enemy advance into territories that were already in her authority. Enough! No longer will you do this and still sit at My Table. Who you bow to is who owns your soul.

When you allow the enemy to plant tares among your good harvest, how will you tell what is good and what is bad? Are you willing to burn what should not be? The more you turn a blind eye, the deeper the roots will grow. Has Sin changed since the beginning? Will labeling it something else make a difference? Do not stand among the fools lest you become one of them.

The enemy wears down My people through repeated exposure. What has become familiar will look to make a way into your life. Will you stand and war against the armies or fold up shop? My people most assuredly can defeat anything that comes against the Kingdom, so unify and stand your ground. Forsake the fence sitting for there is no benefit in not choosing. My True Bride will advance regardless of the casualties. She was born to hold the Victory!

Be Counted for My Namesake. Survey your life and be rid of the schemes of the enemy from your gateways. You must be diligent and unrelenting. A baby tiger may seem harmless but it will not always be so. Be a people of great discernment! My Wisdom is available to those who call upon My Spirit. I have promised never to leave you without My Voice. The tide is turning against the enemy. Which side will you be on?”

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