The Father says, “If My Yoke is Easy then do not travail morning to morning claiming it is in My Name. I have called you to enjoy this life, a gift to you each day. I wove you with passions and desires to explore. Many speak what I have said is Good as if it is all evil before My sight. I want to hear your heart and what brings excited joy to your very being. You are in My Image and are these not aspects that I take part in as well?
The Winds are changing direction and soon you will be pushed in a new direction. New Shores will you visit with new faces bringing fellowship. The Great Harvest is gaining momentum with a breaking force from Land to Sea. Let the Hope Arise for the enemy will soon be in a worldwide retreat. You were born to have the Victory. Do not be fooled into less than the Fullness that I handed you.
My people groan and moan as if they are on the losing side. You let your eyes deceive and your ears lead you astray. I know the beginning from the end. Everything is working according to the Plan. Release the one way thinking for My Thoughts are not your thoughts and My Ways are not your ways. Choose to wake up with anticipation of My Presence and you will find Me. End your day with expectation that I have seen you through and around anything that came.
Many walk on autopilot, not expecting a God who is Omnipresent. I am completely involved and there are no second class citizens. So I say again, LOOK FOR ME in your daily affairs. I will move on your every prayer. Never will I turn you away. Get your bags packed for we are about to take off to the next chapter. Close the book on what was and let your mind fill with wonderment about what is to be!”