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Daily Prophetic Word June 10, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “You are called out of the desert. You are called out of wandering. I have put purpose to your stride. The lean years are over and now what was set into place is about to come forth for My Honor and Glory. Prayers unanswered will be answered. It is time to Arise for the ashes are no longer your home. Many will not come with you for they have decided to walk elsewhere. You have been found faithful and true. The scenery changes as the new breaks way against the old. You are not who you were.

Many have settled in with the knowledge that they have had, but I am calling you higher and into new learning. I have much to teach and show you that is vital to your journey. What you know is only grade school compared to what I will download. I will point out where to go and what information to take in. Not all you come across is truth so listen closely for My leading. I will ask you to place down wrong beliefs as we move through. What does not serve you will not be necessary.

Find that your armor has been upgraded and what used to pierce you will no longer have any impact. Offense and anger do not happen in an unrattled mind. Choose to not be swayed by what comes but learn to harness to the advantage. I have handed you new keys that will unlock doors that have not opened by any other means. You have waited for these doors and wondered why the opportunities did not materialize. Now is the moment! You will understand as you continue on. Use what is in your hands!

I will place your feet in front of people of influence. You will shape the path for My Namesake. You are not doing this in your own efforts. I will come upon you with Power and Authority. Those that would not bend their ear will seek you out for wisdom. Stay humble and just allow Me to flow freely. Keep your opinions in check for your thoughts are not My thoughts and your ways are not My ways. Be My Willing Vessel and I will take you beyond your wildest imagination. This is your time to shine!”

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