The Father says, “Seasons come and seasons go. I Am watching over My Word to see that it performs! Do you think you have missed the boat? Will I not make you another boat or give you even better? June is a month of great surprises. What you are expecting to birth will come forth in June, July, and August. There will no overdue days for you.
The almond tree is blooming. You have been ready in season and out of season. Your faith has positioned you. The hard labor is producing realities that have not been known before now. Many will say to and fro that this just can’t be from God, but YES THIS IS! Some think I must be boring with no new miracles for My People. Always looking for what was will never let your eyes see what is or will be.
I am not in your past doing the new. I am right here, right now. Whatever you think you missed out on, look again for I am about to show up and out on your behalf. I have not lost the records of what is owed to you nor the blueprints to your life. When I created you at the foundations, I knew where we would be at this moment in time.
I can deal with anything that is your storyline. Would you like the story that I have authored? For I Am the Author and Finisher of your Faith. I am putting an end to the reasons you have thought were good enough to complain before Me. I hear your pleas and cries. I have not turned away from you, but rather I am running to you. Suddenlies are upon you! Set your praises early in the morning and late in the evening. You are not who you were, and Upgrades have caught up to you!”