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Daily Prophetic Word April 19, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “All of Creation speaks of My Glory. Listen, I Am speaking in everything around you. When you are not sure what to do, stop for a moment to take note of the signs left for you to find. I Am not a God that is hard to please nor do I enjoy watching you in confusion. I desire a deep and intimate relationship with you so you must come up higher.

What used to work so easily will not always be the case. You must be willing to be stretched and challenged to become what you were meant to be. Being comfortable has never done anything for anyone in reality. It only increases fear and insecurity in reality. Look and see that My Hand is guiding you through the mazes that come. You will get through this trial and all those that are after. Would I do anything less for you?

Your time and existence in a human body is finite. Think Bigger! Too many keep their focus on the decades spent on Earth instead of seeing their existence on the full plane of what you are truly. Your beginning was not as a human and neither will you have an end, despite your human aspect ending one day. Does this one day seem less overwhelming when you consider the plane of your total existence? You were always in Me, and I have taken great care of you. I have no intention on stopping now either.

Release the mind of negative thinking and the desire to let the issues of today take you out. You are not going through difficult days for no purpose. Understand the counterbalance that is required and you will see beyond and into the reasons. You are being perfected but also made into something that did not exist beforehand. Do you see more clearly now? Find that this month new revelation will fall upon your spirit and what was near death will be brought back into vibrant life once more.”

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