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  • Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word April 7, 2017

The Father says, “The Garden is ripe and overflowing. My Angels are storing up your harvest until the barn can no longer contain it. Your season of repayment for even crops that appeared to fail is being brought to you. If I Am your Lord, then I will bring beauty from what you thought to discard. Even now the Promises show up bright as rainbows over your life. Believe in what is not, becoming into your reality.

If I can make the sunlight go backwards for a strategic advantage, I can surely stop the law of physics if you need that as well. Does water go up in a wall formation at will? I created it all so everything is under My Authority. Ask Me for that miracle BUT also fully believe that I will deliver upon My promises. Did I say No to you? Then go forth and fully allow your spirit to wait for that miracle to manifest. I will not fail to show up and out on your behalf.

You can choose to wait with a smile of anticipation or a frown because you desire it right now. There are times the now is where this will come, but know that if you are to wait, I will make it worth the wait above and beyond what you could have hoped for. I do not make you sit in a delay for no reason or as a punishment. Consider yourself a mature Christian and put away the childish days of old thinking.

I speak over this generation that your years will be longer than any previous generation in modern days. Your days were cut shorter for a time and purpose. Find that this has come to an end. The days will lengthen for even childbirth to be common among those consider beyond their years of youth. Let all of your days be long and prosperous. What man has considered coming to the end of this age, I say, You are going into years of “this is unheard of and unprecedented.’ I will defy the knowledge of men, and bring forth a people who are truly My people. Let them reign long on this Earth!”

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