The Father says, “I Am turning up the sensitivity in your spirit to witness with greater clarity what is coming down from Heaven. There have been many times that you thought and wondered if you were picking up My Frequency and Voice, but went on about your day. What you will find now is that you are stopped in your tracks to breathe in the Spiritual Raining upon the Earth.
What would take years to reach you, will reach you within days. There is a wall of protection between your communication with Heaven and the Answer coming back to you. My Hand is moving swiftly over the Waters of the deep, over the Land, and over the immovable. Heaven has been brought closer to the Earth Realm during this time for you are walking in unprecedented territory.
Make your Petitions before Me! Write the Vision for without vision My People will perish. I Am doing the exceedingly abundantly above what you could ask or think for, so ask Me Big! You are not a beggar before Me. You are My Royal Sons and Daughters. There is nothing that I will withhold from those that walk uprightly. It is My Pleasure to give you My Goodness and Love.
2017 is going to be the year of NOW! My people have not fully understood how to live in the Now or how to create an atmosphere of manifesting their Now in all that I desire to do today for you. I Am teaching you on a perspective that has not been released before. I Am bringing unity in several keys areas within My People. You will see a stronger level of cooperation and love across the Bride. Be a part of what I Am doing. Be transformed into what I desire for you. You are made for More!”