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Daily Prophetic Word May 11, 2016

MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word 5/11/2016

The Father says, “As the crow flies, I will make a way where there is no way. I do not need to take you on the route already present before you. I can shorten your trip, and today find yourself at a time where I have not called you to take the common roads. Get Ready for an adventure you surely are on. I will keep you guessing until you suddenly look down to the place that I will set your feet upon. Forget about all of the problems swirling in your mind. I will take you above the storm so you can see that the Son is always shining.

What you are going through, you were designed to overcome. It does not matter how hot this fire has gotten, with one breath I will put it out. Consider the battle won, and it is time to collect the spoils. It is time to march on from this place. You don’t live here anymore. Take only what I tell you, for your needs have already been supplied. Watch as all that comes against you suddenly disappears with no movement from your own effort. Watch as years of disappointment becomes a fruitful crop. This is your year for full restoration. Do not look at the fog and think that it is not truly coming towards you. I will not go back on My Promises.

You are not who you were. Just as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, so too will your life feel reborn but also strange and unfamiliar. How you used to do things will no longer work for you. I have given you new tools and new instructions on how to accomplish all that has been set out before you. A fresh level of learning is on the horizon. With each year of graduation comes a higher plane for you to walk on. Do not look to the old ways and try to pick up what I have asked you to place down. I have much better for you in the coming months and years.

All that you have gone through, both good and bad, has made you ready for what lies before you. Heaven is celebrating all around you and for you. These are unprecedented times and events that are being released in My Kingdom. Nothing mankind has seen before and nothing to compare this to. Enjoy this time in your life. Days of wonderment and amazement will fill your heart. Keep asking, seeking, and knocking for as you do, brand new doors will continue to show themselves to you. My people are at the threshold of a seven years journey that will change and shift everything that has defined My People up until this point in history. The world will forever be transformed by what is coming forth from My Royal Sons and Daughters! Though many feel you are a curse, My People will be a great blessing to the nations, and the Lost will come into the fold in a multitude of numbers!”

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