MaryEllen McCloud

Jan 11, 2020

December 31, 2019 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “My people are walking to and fro with faces of gloom. Listen, even at the banks of the Red Sea, My people had no idea what I was setting them up for. You must place your faith and trust in the One who holds your future. Are you letting the world steal your joy? When you are walking in My Kingdom, you are walking in favor and blessings no matter what the stock market does. You are not concerned with the swaying of opinions and words of trepidation.

I Am not alarmed or taken off guard, and you should not be worried about any of it. I will take care of those that are Mine! Can you believe that you are so special to Me that nothing of this world shall harm you in reality? Are you really losing ground or Am I just repositioning you to flourish in new fertile soil? Think about what lessons you are to learn in this moment and not focus on what is taking place, as if you are a pagan. You have the Creator of all things standing right next to you. I will carry you through.”