MaryEllen McCloud

Jun 2, 2019

June 2, 2019

The Father says, Everything is going to be all right. Even when the storms seem unyielding, the sun will indeed rise again in the sky. What seems like a waste is catapulting you forward in this hour. What feels like steps backwards is just the string on the bow pulling you back to be launched. You will retake the land. You will find what was stolen returned with increase. I am not a God who is taken by surprise so do not think that I have looked the other way when the enemy warred at your gates. Clarity is coming over the next few months.

To be promoted testing will come. You already have what is needed to rise above with success. Stay in My Peace. See with your spiritual eyes what lies beyond the natural circumstances. Nothing is too difficult for Me, and you are standing right at My side. Change the mindset that you are just supposed to get by with little improvement. I am not offended by someone’s ability to walk in abundance. I give you the keys to unlock new doors of opportunity. Some will stretch you deeply but in this, you will receive more than what was possible in the little you were chasing before.
