Replenished Hope Ministries

Jan 13, 2018

Daily Prophetic Word January 13, 2018

The Father says, “I have placed you on the side of this hill so that you will be able to hear My voice with full clarity and without strain. There are times in the day when My voice will be louder. Stop for a moment when you sense this happening. Do not continue on with your busy day. I want to share with you information that is vital to this time in your life. Close down all other frequencies and set your dial just on Me. What you put down will still be there in a moment.

Do not see yourself at the end of your rope. Endings only provide opportunities for something grander than what was. It is time to step out onto the ledge for when you do, I will open a path that you did not even see before. Fear will hold you back and keep you from going into the unknown. I may not always give you a light to see your way. Walk by Faith for I will hold your hand no matter what.

This is your time to walk into all that I have created you to do and be. Now is your breakthrough moment from everything that was holding you back. Keep your eyes on Me and you will watch great exploits happen all around. You are My Child and there is nothing I would not do for you. Hold Righteousness as your priority in all of your dealings. Cast aside that thoughts that are self-serving in bearing no healthy fruit.

Can I trust you? Be a people who are trustworthy in daily dealings. Consider your options from a heavenly perspective. When the fog rolls in to lend confusion, ask Me to send My winds to clear the air once more. I am for you and not against you. Consider even the sparrow that I look after never leaving My gaze. You have not left My attention. I am watching over My word to see that it performs.
