Replenished Hope Ministries

Jun 23, 2017

Daily Prophetic Word June 22, 2017

The Father says, “What you have struggled to figure out will find purpose and ease in the coming months. Stop trying to be what you were not designed to be. I have placed inside of you priceless artifacts that I bestowed which will come forth this season. I did not set you upon the Earth to wander aimlessly. I do not desire for you to be a carbon copy of someone else. I move you according to My Compass.

Let Me set you free this very day! Many are trying to manage what they were not called to deal with. Your freedom was paid for in full. Decide to be a free person everyday. Laugh at the troubles others try to bring to you. You are a citizen of Heaven with full rights and authority. There are no chains that can hold you unless you allow it.

You are moving into a time where the enemy will run in terror from you. Do you believe? You must take what is yours. You must claim your entitlement for you have the power to stop what is yours from being stolen. The first tree took away and the second tree returned beyond imaging with an endless overflow. For now you walk in the realm of nothing is impossible.

Explore is the word for this season! I want you to walk like you were made to discover a limitless world. Gifts that you didn’t even realize you possessed are about to surface. Say Yes to what I open up for you. Many believe the notion that if it is a gift then there is no personal gain allowed. Use what I have given you! Use it for this brings Me Honor and Glory. Your financial answer exists in what you are talented in. Do not overlook what is in your own hands!”
