MaryEllen McCloud

Feb 5, 2017

Daily Prophetic Word February 4, 2017

The Father says, “The dry stream bed, that some of you have been camped out at, is now springing up healing oil for your breakthrough. You have wandered the banks looking for My Living Waters that ceased their flows. It was time for you to move on and yet you stayed. Years of battle scars ensued, but you are still standing despite it all. Find that I Am redeeming the lost years.

Even though you may have missed the moving on, I Am speeding you up to where you should be on the journey. Do not worry about what you missed because I will bring back the important elements into your life once again. I Am removing the clutter in your mind so that you can hear My Voice clearly. The enemy has had you distracted with fighting the wrong battles in order to keep you misguided.

I do not want you to dwell on what happened, but let it guide you into divine wisdom in present moments. Receive your healing. Receive My Love for you. I Am not mad at you. Forget that notion all the days of your life. I already knew what you would do each and every day from the very beginning. I Am not surprised or taken aback about any of it. I Am with you no matter what your day brings or what you end up doing.

The years of reproach are being removed from the scorecard for this is what the Cross entitled you to. You are My Beloved Child. My Desires are only for your Good and never for harm. I Am carrying those that cannot walk right now. I Am sending those who are walking into the air to soar like the birds of the air. I will meet you where you are. I will give you My Glory today and forever more!”
