MaryEllen McCloud

Jan 12, 2017

Daily Prophetic Word January 11, 2017

The Father says, “You were bought with a price. If you were not worth everything that I had then I could justify not investing more time into humanity, but YOU WERE AND YOU ARE! It is time to put to rest the notions that I Am not satisfied by what was done through the Cross and Resurrection. If all you see was a moment in history that moved you from the future of hell to heaven then you are missing all that was really done on your behalf.

Take My Hand for I Am taking you on a wild ride of discovery. Drop at the door all preconceived notions about what is and what is not. I Am starting with a fresh and clean slate to give you New Revelation and New Third Heaven Mysteries. My Truth over time has been altered until it no longer rings the full truth. You are the generation that I Am working with NOW, not the people of yesterday and a time long ago.

My Power is available to flow in and through you. My Wisdom and Knowledge, for the people of today, is what is being released. I have not finished talking to mankind. However could I have told you everything that there is to know by now? Your own human volumes expand second by second. A Kingdom that has been since the beginning of everything surely has an infinite number of volumes to learn from. Open your heart and mind to all that I will show you.

My people are going into New Realms and Experiences. What used to get you in and out of these areas in the past will not work this go around. You must accept the New! The Bereans accepted the Gospel and New Covenant where as the Pharisees would not. I Am taking you to never before knowns. You must be willing to let go of wrong thinking and incorrect teachings. The Plumbline is in your midst.”
