MaryEllen McCloud

Oct 3, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word October 2, 2016

The Father says, “The answers that you are seeking will come much easier when you have learned to really rest in Me. I will give you what you seek at the right moment, but you will fail to hear and know when you are operating out of a panicked mindset. Be grounded in spending time in My presence. I will speak to you like a beloved friend and not a stranger. I will speak through all that is around you. Slow down to catch what I Am saying in this hour.

Your steps are ordered. Take the pressure off. Like a Master Chess Player, I Am moving you to the right position that will best benefit you and the Kingdom. Not every position you will enjoy in the flesh, but what you see today, will make way for much much more later on. I Am your source, and I will use many different methods to bring forth what is coming this hour. When you see the 'methods' as your true source, you will continue to miss My Voice in your life.

I will not compete with what you are crowding out My direction with. If the steps seem wrong, then stop and ask again. I will not reject you. I Am in this with you, and I desire that you succeed. I Am not hard to get along with. Did you hear that I was? My Ways are not yours. Relax and take pleasure in the journey. Winding and shifting steps does not mean you have lost your way. Sometimes the sudden and unexpected side trips are the most filling to your spirit and purpose.

Choose to die to self, and you will find your days filled with more than you can imagine. Even the grandest of dreams is only the tip of the Iceberg on what I will do for you and through you as you go about My business. I require you to have both feet in and go forth no matter what things look like. I Created this life for your enjoyment. Live a balanced day. Be about people because I Am about people. They are all at different places, and you have something to give each one that I highlight to you. Even in a simple gesture of kindness, you will find Me in your midst. Let My Glory rest upon you this day.”
